Just a journal blog - Imagine something cool written here.

Neel Deshmukh

Neel Deshmukh / February 25, 2022

2 minute read

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So, yeah, Hi guys. This is neel here a backend engineer trying to learn how to write by practising writing blogs, and as I mentioned I was inspired by Joel Spolsky, So he’s a programmer, founder and a guy who have passion for software engineering I believe. If you are a software engineer than you should probably check out his blog joelonsoftware.com.

Yeah, thats it I mean, before reading his blog I thought, ohh you should write blogs only when you actually have something to teach, but I guess its not just about that, blogging helps you share your day to day life and what you do, blogging also improves your writing skills, so that's a plus point.

And here is me attempting this.

My favourite blogs from joelonsoftware

  1. Things You Should Never Do, Part I
  2. The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code
  3. The Duct Tape Programmer
  4. This is complete series of 4 -> Painless Functional Specifications – Part 1: Why Bother?
  5. Painless Bug Tracking

Hope this helps you too.

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